Celebrating FIRST Changemakers

Students in a group

We love seeing all the great work from teams around the world on social media and have been doing weekly roundups on our channels. Check out the latest below and see more on the FIRST RISE Rewind. Be sure to post your own teams efforts with #FIRSTFFC!


FIRST teams, coaches, and mentors put in endless hours of work this season to perfect their robots for competition, but as they have all proven, it’s not always about the competition.

It’s about the many small moments leading up to the competition that mold a team, create an unbreakable bond, teach you new skills, and solidify the ones you learned before.

It’s about the trial and error as you navigate a new game, a new season, a new task at hand, together as a single unit.

We’re not building robots, the robots are building us.

Students working on robots

Click here to view the post on Instagram


Now more than ever, it’s important to stay connected and offer support to one another. Something as simple as letting someone know you’re thinking of them is a great way to be a Force for Change. Who are you reaching out to today?

Students on webcam

Click here to view the post on Twitter