Regional Ranking Webpages

Last fall, we announced changes to how teams advance from Regional Events to FIRST® Championship. For the 2025 season, teams directly qualify for FIRST Championship by winning the following awards at a Regional Event:

  • Regional Winner Captain
  • Regional Winner 1st Pick
  • FIRST Impact Award winner
  • Engineering Inspiration Award winner

A major part of this change is replacing wildcard invitations with a single, global Regional Pool. Teams competing in Regional Events are ranked based on their performance at their first two events. Details of the ranking process for 2025 are described in section 12 of the 2025 Game Manual.   

A group of volunteers have been working on changes to the FRC-Events website to show the rankings for Regional teams, and we’re happy to announce that the changes are now live on the website. Please note that this information will not be available via the API for this season. There are two views of the Regional Rankings available. 


Global Regional Rankings

image (6)


The global Regional Rankings webpage shows all regional teams in rank order by their assigned points. You can also see the tiebreakers for each team by clicking on the row to expand more information.

The last column shows each team’s FIRST Championship Qualification status.

Invitation Status

Additional Information

Regional FIRST Impact Award at [event code]


Regional Engineering Inspiration Award at [event code]


Regional Winners at [event code]

Captain or first pick of winning alliance

Regional Pool Week X

where X designates the week they were invited off the Regional Pool


If for any reason a team declines their slot, it will show as “Declined.”


Pre-Qualifies teams are noted on the Championship Eligibility Page


Team has not yet qualified for FIRST Championship


Teams can navigate to the Regional Rankings webpage by going to the direct link or by going to the main FRC-Events webpage and clicking on the 2025 Season Info page and selecting Regional Rankings.

Teams can also go to their team’s profile page on FRC-Events and click the link which will pull them to exactly where they are on the Regional Rankings.

Teams qualifying for FIRST Championship directly from an event will receive invitations shortly after the event. Teams qualifying for FIRST Championship via the Regional Pool will receive email invitations by Wednesday of each competition week, starting on March 12 for teams qualifying from week 1 and 2 events. Invitations are sent by email to the team’s lead mentor 1 and 2. Teams that have not yet received a Championship invite can monitor the rankings to determine the likelihood of receiving an invite in a given week. While we cannot comment specifically on how many slots will be released each week, we did state this previously and this is still the intent:

Our goal is to release enough slots each week so that the same proportion of Championship slots have been filled as events have been completed. For example, 47 of 69 (~68%) Regional Events will be completed after Week 4, and we plan to have approximately the same percentage of Regional slots filled by that point as well.

We ask that teams do not contact FIRST® to ask if they will be offered a slot from the Regional Pool as this will slow down our processes. Please wait until FIRST contacts you.


Event Regional Rankings


The event view shows the rank of teams attending a particular event. Ranking data is updated at the conclusion of each event and is mostly for fun if teams want to see how they ranked at that specific event only. Teams may also choose to use this view to look at tiebreakers at the specific event.

Teams can navigate to the Event Specific Regional Rankings by going to a particular event after the event has concluded and selecting Regional Rankings.



A huge thank you to the group of volunteers who have worked over the last few months to implement this change!! We have said it before, and we’ll state it again, volunteers make FIRST possible and we are so grateful for our volunteers!