Planning for FIRST Championship

teams celebrating at championships in 2024

Updated 2/28/25 ~8:00pm ET: The practice field document link was added.

We’re just a few months away from the 2025 FIRST® Championship presented by BAE Systems, and we could not be more excited! We wanted to take some time to share a few more updates as well as reminders of resources available for teams who are planning to attend FIRST Championship!

Before we jump into the new items, we wanted to share a few reminders. Teams qualifying for FIRST Championship directly from an event will receive invitations with instructions reminding you to register for the event and secure payment shortly after the event. Teams qualifying for FIRST Championship via the Regional Pool (more info in this blog) will receive email invitations by Wednesday of each competition week, starting on March 12 for teams qualifying from week 1 and 2 events.

*If your team is receiving a grant for registration, wait to checkout until your grant is received, but no later than April 9 at 5:00PM ET. If your grant has not been updated by this deadline and you're unable to checkout, please contact


General Event Information

Information specific to FIRST® Robotics Competition, including the public schedule, can be found on the FIRST Robotics Competition Championship Information webpage. We will continue to update this webpage over the coming weeks as the information is finalized!



To ensure success of the program, all FIRST teams and their team members attending FIRST Championship are required to participate in the program, and teams are not guaranteed their spot at FIRST Championship until they secure both their event registration fee with FIRST and their lodging with ConferenceDirect. Please review the recent hotel blog for more information.

Teams will need to be registered for the event to be added to the list we send to ConferenceDirect to issue housing links to teams. Lead mentors will have 48 hours after receiving the Championship Invite email to register for the event via the FIRST Dashboard.


You Bring It or Shipping your Robot

Teams attending the 2025 FIRST Championship can choose to either ship their robot using the FedEx voucher or hand-carry to the event.

Once you qualify for FIRST Championship, you are sent an email from asking if you want to bring your robot to the event yourself or ship it via the FedEx voucher. You must select one or the other, as there will be no ‘default’ option. Teams can reference the Robot Transportation page for more information.

  • If you opt to hand-carry your robot yourself, you must bring your 1 competition robot to FIRST Championship along with all your other pit equipment.
  • If you opt to ship your robot, FIRST provides a FedEx shipping voucher and a ship-not-later than date. Teams must ship no later than that date or risk their robots not arriving at FIRST Championship in time for the event.
    • Please note that during the early load in timeframe, teams can only bring in 1 tote and all other items must be brought in through the loading dock during normal team load-in hours. (See Load In below for more details)
    • Teams who chose to ship their robot must follow the Shipping Crate Instructions.
    • Teams may not use a FedEx Voucher for pit equipment/other non-robot items. Using a voucher in this way is considered an abuse of the donor’s intent and generosity. If you are shipping using the FedEx voucher, only your robot, bumpers, and batteries may be in the crate. If you’d like to ship additional equipment, you must coordinate, ship, and pay for it on your own.
  • Groups of teams may pool their resources to transport their pit materials and/or robot with a 53’ Trailer. All groups must apply for this allowance and receive authorization to enter the Loading Dock. Unauthorized 53’ Trailers will not be allowed to enter the Loading Dock – no exceptions.

A big thanks to FedEx for once again sponsoring robot shipments to FIRST Championship!



This year, load-in will again begin at 9:00AM on Wednesday. All teams must follow the Load-In process as outlined in the Team Load-In Instructions in order to bring materials into the Pits from their vehicles.

As a friendly reminder, teams are limited to 6 people in the pits until the pits open to the public at 2:00 p.m.


Early Load - In

Teams who shipped their robot will be allowed in at 7:00AM to allow early access in the pits for teams who may not have had access to their robot for several weeks.

Teams who need to print name badges at the Team Check In desk or need to send members to the loading dock from the lobby may also check in at the early check-in desk to obtain a different colored wristband to allow them access. These teams will not be allowed in the pits until 9:00AM.


Load Out

All teams must follow the Load-Out processes as outlined in the in the Team Load Out Instructions in order to carry out materials from the Pits from their vehicles.

Teams that shipped their robot to the FIRST Championship must visit the FIRST Ship Desk prior to Load Out, regardless of if they are shipping their robot home or will change to Hand-Carry home. The desk is open Thursday through Saturday. If you come early, you can skip the long Saturday line!

Teams that Hand-Carry their robot to Championship do not need to visit the FIRST Ship Desk. However, these teams must still visit the Load Out Desk once ready to leave the venue.

The Load Out Desk for teams assigned a pit in Hall An is in Hall A. This year, the Load Out Desk for teams assigned pits in Hall E will be in Hall D. The Hall D Load Out Desk will close at 2:00PM and all teams at that point will visit the Hall A Load Out Desk.


Practice Field

Practice field areas will again open at 12:00PM to all teams on Wednesday. The biggest difference with the practice fields this year is that there will no longer be a full competition field with tethering. Instead, both full fields will be wireless only, with one running full matches and the other running auto modes only. We will still have the playground area with wooden elements where teams can test specific actions on a single field element at a time. More information on the practice fields can be found in our Championship Practice Field Overview.

We recognize that teams shipping their robot are at a disadvantage as they cannot work on their robot after it ships. To help level the playing field, teams that ship their robot using the FedEx voucher receive early access to the pits on Wednesday and:

  • a fast pass that allows the team to skip the line one time on the ‘playground’ (non-official/wooden) practice fields any day they are open. Note that they cannot be used during the last hour that practice fields are open each day.
  • a fast pass that allows the team to skip the line one time on the official practice fields any day the practice fields are open. Note that they cannot be used during the last hour that practice fields are open each day.

Volunteer Opportunities

We estimate we need more than 1400 volunteers at the 2025 FIRST Championship, and we have roles available like Robot Inspection, Judging, Official Scorers, Team Queuing, Practice Field Attendants, Load in and load out, and more! If you have extra parents, mentors, or students coming to FIRST Championship, they can sign up to volunteer but please note the minimum age to volunteer for this event is 15 (except Student Ambassadors). As a volunteer for FIRST Championship, you will get free meals (provided on the day(s) you volunteer), a T-shirt, gift, and the option to access a hotel block at a discounted rate. Many roles can be done in half-day or single-day shifts. Apply today!


Student Ambassadors

In addition to volunteering, students can also consider becoming a Student Ambassador! This is a great opportunity to spend quality time with sponsors and other special guests of FIRST. We know our students are our best tour guides, and our guests would love to meet you! Time commitment for the role is a two-hour tour shift plus training.

If you’re interested, sign up by clicking the link above and then choosing the Student Ambassador role. If you have any questions, please contact