FIRST alum Krista speaks about  the power of mentoring at Haas Technical Education center



Krista is a FIRST® alum from FIRST ® Robotics Competition Team 3309 in California. Recently, Krista had the chance to present at the Haas Technical Educational Center (HTEC), hosted by Haas Automation. The purpose of HTEC is to show educators (i.e. instructors, companies, and administrators) ways to reach younger generations and help mentor them. During her presentation, Krista spoke passionately about how FIRST “changes your whole life in an amazing way.” Through teamwork, problem solving and leadership development, FIRST prepares students for life after high school by developing real-world 21st century life skills. FIRST is a varsity sport for the mind. She mentioned that after FIRST, she has carried a lot of skills with her into her college courses, internships, and eventually a STEM career. “One way to promote FIRST,” she says “is through our educators. We need more mentorship and teaching.” Krista challenges folks to get involved with FIRST through mentoring and being part of developing the next generation of leaders and innovators. She’s still in contact with most of her mentors and mentions how they have inspired her in such an amazing way; mentoring is an endless ripple effect. FIRST mentoring is all about providing guidance and being a resource for students, rather than giving students the answer and taking control.  Krista is heavily involved with FIRST teams and frequently volunteers at FIRST Regionals in both Orange County and Los Angeles.