KitBot & Kit Opt-Outs

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Friendly reminder that the Black Tote and Drive Base opt-out deadline is approaching (September 24th at 12pm noon ET)! To help you make an informed decision before opting out, we want to provide some additional details on the kit and KitBot.

First, a reminder that the Kickoff Kit is made up of a few components:

    • a “Season Specific” box - ships to all teams, regardless of other decisions
    • a Black Tote
    • a Drive Base Kit
    • a Gray Tote - only New (“rookie”) teams receive this additional component.


Veteran teams are given the option to opt out of the Black Tote and/or the Drive Base Kit if they wish.

Teams who opt out of the Drive Base Kit will receive a $450 Voucher to AndyMark. This option is intended to help teams who may choose to build a custom drive base instead.

Teams who opt out of the Black Tote will receive a $125 Voucher to AndyMark and a $125 Voucher to REV Robotics. The Black Tote contains both items specific to KitBot (see below for details) as well as items applicable to all teams such as motor controllers, RSL, battery, etc. This option is intended to help teams who may not need these items obtain components that we think are most helpful to them.

To make the selection, select “Payment & Product” under Team Options, choose “Black Tote Opt Out” or “Drive Base Opt Out” and check the box to receive vouchers instead. You can change your mind and uncheck the box later until the deadline on September 24, 2024. Teams who do not opt out of these by the deadline will receive the items.


So how does this all relate to the KitBot? The KitBot is one component of the Kickoff Kit, and many of the materials needed to build the KitBot come in the Black Tote, Drive Base Kit, and Gray Tote (for rookies). The Gray Tote provides the electronics that teams need for the KitBot (veteran teams should have these components from previous seasons), and the Black Tote provides additional components.

We’re happy to share that this year a majority (but not all) of the items needed to build the KitBot will be in the Black Tote. The Black Tote will include a variety of items for the KitBot including COTS items (e.g. wheels, belts, hardware, etc.) and custom items (e.g. custom plates, 3D printed parts, etc.). Teams will still need to buy a few raw material items that are easily accessible such as plywood, polycarbonate, etc. We will release a shopping list closer to Kickoff so teams can purchase these items prior to Kickoff if they choose. While the KitBot design could likely be adapted to any drive base, it is designed and documented using the Drive Base Kit, so teams looking for the smoothest experience should not opt out of the Drive Base Kit. The KitBot resources are available to all teams whether a team opts in or out of the Black Tote and the webpage will be updated on Kickoff, January 4, 2025, with 2025 specifics.

Good luck and we will see you at the competition!