IYKYK: Build Season One-Liners

FIRST® build seasons are full of hard work, late nights, and endless fun with your team. During this time, you’ll also probably hear more than one funny quip coming from your teammates that makes you laugh hysterically because, if you know, you know!

We recently asked the FIRST Community to share their best build season quotes with us on Instagram, and they did not disappoint! Keep reading to check out some of the best.


“Just add a zip tie.”

“Sounds like a programming issue.”

“A builders dream is a programmer’s nightmare.”


“If we try hard enough, a screw is just another nail.”

“It’s week two but it feels like week seven.”

“As long as it doesn’t fall apart during the match we’ll be fine.”


“The LEDs are essential – the climber can wait.”

“This will only take a day to do.”

“We’ll do that next year.”



Want to share a build season quote? Post on social media and be sure to tag us!