Dean's Homework 2023: Sharing the Inspiration within FIRST

Stories connect us by showing us the common threads amongst our various experiences and igniting curiosity in areas we’ve never explored. This year, Dean’s Homework (an assignment that our Founder, Dean Kamen, gives the the FIRST community each season) challenges us to embrace our inner storyteller by sharing our FIRST experiences with the world. We turned to the FIRST community and asked them to tell us something inspiring from their time participating in FIRST. Here are some of the experiences and favorite moments they shared:


“I participated in FIRST Tech Challenge in high school and am now a mentor of the team.”


“FIRST competitions have inspired me to never give up, no matter what others say and what happens.”


“Seeing new team members discovering STEM through FIRST competitions is truly amazing!”




“I found my way. After five years of participating in FIRST, I will be studying Management in Canada.”


“I was so happy to see the smiles on everyone’s faces at Championship!”


“Seeing the bonds that form between team members through the season.”




“It was pretty special to walk into the George R. Brown Convention Center for the first time at Championship – such a surreal experience!”


“The support of my team during rough patches in my life.”


“Seeing the younger generations learning from mine.”




“Seeing the excitement in the students’ eyes when doing outreach activities.”


“Teaching students about their opportunities in STEAM – the best thing!”


“Seeing the culture within and between teams.”




Share your inspiring FIRST story this season with #DeansHomework.


Read more stories from the FIRST Community