Build the Future Spotlight: Team WHS Robotics

Leveling the STEM Playing Field

Program: FIRST Tech Challenge
Location: California, United States

WHS Robotics is committed to helping foster a new generation of children and leveling the playing field when it comes to STEM. We believe robotics is for everyone – a student’s background, identity or previous experience will never bar them from our team, and we have many women, members of the LGBTQ+ community, and other underrepresented people on our roster.

Since 2018, our FIRST® Tech Challenge team has run a program called Science-in-a-Box, in which we design custom DIY science kits, order materials, hand-craft them, develop complementary lessons, and ship them to younger students through local community centers. Our team has created more than 350 kits to support future generations of learners in Southern California.

We also host Robocamp, a weeklong event that encourages students in late elementary and middle school to participate in lessons about CAD, programming in multiple languages, graphic design, marketing and more. By making Robocamp available to any interested student, we hope to further educate children within our community and encourage them to pursue their passions in STEM.